[linux-audio-dev] realtime-lsm in Andrew Morton's latest kernel patchset

Cal hihone at bigpond.net.au
Sun Feb 13 02:10:16 UTC 2005

Jack O'Quin wrote:
 > Those of you who enjoy working with bleeding-edge kernels, please try
 > Andrew's latest 2.6.11-rc3-mm2 patchset.  I am hopeful that this may
 > be included in the base kernel, soon.  It would help for some of you
 > to build this kernel, run it and report on any problems (or successes)
 > with the realtime LSM.
 > This version no longer supports the `allcaps' option (too much risk),
 > so you need to run `jackd' rather than `jackstart' with it, unless you
 > have a very recent version of JACK.  (Even so, using `jackd' is
 > preferable.)
 > You'll need the 2.6.10 sources from <http://kernel.org/>, then the
 > 2.6.11-rc3 patchset, followed by 2.6.11-rc3-mm2 (in that order).
 > Configure the realtime-lsm under `security'.  It can either be
 > built-in or loaded as a module (y or m).  When the module is active,
 > its parameters can now be changed dynamically via sysfs like this...
 >   # echo 1  > /sys/module/realtime/parameters/any
 >   # echo 29 > /sys/module/realtime/parameters/gid
 >   # echo 1  > /sys/module/realtime/parameters/mlock
 > If you try it, please let me know how well it works.

Well that raised a smile!  So far it builds _and_ works pretty much just 
like the real thing. The loss of allcaps is no big deal - using gid 
works just fine. From an audio perspective, I figure there's not a whole 
lot left to actually test regarding realtime lsm. It does what it's 
supposed to do (very well).  To all participants in the development (and 
debate), well done!!

cheers, Cal

(smile, n. 1. to assume a facial expression, characterised esp. by a
widening of the mouth, indicative of pleasure, favour, kindliness,
amusement, derision, scorn, etc.)

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