[linux-audio-dev] Fixed vs. floating point

Jens M Andreasen jens.andreasen at chello.se
Sun Oct 16 02:39:27 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 23:29 +0200, Albert Graef wrote:
> fons adriaensen wrote:
> > The bottom line is really quite simple: if your app is to run on a PC, use floats.
> > There are some very good reasons why floats were chosen as JACK's default audio
> > type.
> I agree with that conclusion. Just don't forget about the denormals 
> issue on Intel (has this been mentioned in this thread before?). 
> However, it's easy to work around this by adding a small amount of noise 
> where necessary.

As an alternative you could also turn denormal handling off and flush to

#include <xmmintrin.h> 
#define _MM_DENORM_ZERO_ON     0x0040 

// Enable zeroing out denormal. 
_mm_setcsr(_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON | _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW | _mm_getcsr()); 
// Now, enable treating denormal as zero. 
_mm_setcsr(_MM_DENORM_ZERO_ON | _mm_getcsr()); 

gcc -msse  -mfpmath=sse

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