[linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] rosegarden dssi problem
Emanuel Rumpf
x at branwelt.de
Wed Feb 8 16:25:28 UTC 2006
Chris Cannam wrote:
>It doesn't appear to be anything to do with the audio connections to or from
>the plugin -- rather, the plugin doesn't seem to be being referred to at all
>during playback.
>A couple of things I ought to check, if you don't mind:
> * Does it make any difference whether you have the default autoload file or
>your custom one? That is, if you move ~/.kde/config/rosegarden/autoload.rg
>out of the way and run again with "factory settings", do you still get this
>problem? Just vaguely wondering whether it's connected to the synth
>configuration in the autoload.
> * Is this a 32 or 64-bit build?
32 bit
Deleting the default-studio did not help
The mystery:
When the file "test_dssi_01.rg" is saved as default-studio and opened at
start, or from the menu
"File/New" the sound is ok.
When the file "test_dssi_01.rg" is opened from the menu with
"File/Open", there is no sound.
Here is again some output.
>From playhead command 'play' to playhead command 'stop' only.
The first is the from the working file, the second from the non-working
(Note: It is both the same file, but once loaded as 'defaul-studio' and
secondly loaded from the file via "File/Open")
In the non-working output there are DSSIPluginInstance messages missing.
Thanks for having a look at it
# start working output (sound)
AlsaDriver::setMIDIClockInterval( 0.020833333R)
AlsaDriver::stopClocks: ALSA time now is 0.000000000R
AlsaDriver - initialisePlayback
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.121333332R
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: time 0.000000000R
DSSIPluginInstance::sendEvent at 0.000000000R
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.374999999R
AlsaDriver::startClocks: Need JACK start (m_playing = 1)
AlsaDriver::startClocks: playing, prebuffer audio
DSSIPluginInstance::setIdealChannelCount: channel count 2 (was 2)
DSSIPluginInstance::silence: m_run 1, m_runSinceReset 0
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.000000000R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.000000000R, blockTime 0.000000000R,
frameOffset 0, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 1 events
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 30, current token 30
JackDriver::startTransport: asking JACK transport to start, setting wait
AlsaDriver::startClocks: Waiting for startClocksApproved
RosegardenSequencerApp::incrementTransportToken: incrementing to 31
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - STOP
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - got unhandled MIDI event type from
ALSA sequencer(34)
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: state 3 [starting], frame 0, waiting 1,
playing 1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: m_waitingState 3, unique_1 104, unique_2 104
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: rate 48000, bar 0, beat 0, tick 134662393,
bpm 1.37604e-269
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 30, current token 31
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: Sync complete
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: state 3 [starting], frame 0, waiting 1,
playing 1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: m_waitingState 3, unique_1 105, unique_2 105
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: rate 48000, bar 0, beat 0, tick 134662393,
bpm 1.37604e-269
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 30, current token 31
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: Sync complete
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackProcess: transport rolling, telling ALSA driver to go!
AlsaDriver::startClocks: startClocksApproved
AlsaDriver::startClocks: started clocks
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - CONTINUE
seq time is 0.000156000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.011499182R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.010666666R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.029156298R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.021333332R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.041513604R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.031999998R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.052742348R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.042666664R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.053333330R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.065915654R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.063999996R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.077566398R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.074666662R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.088989142R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.085333328R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.101249886R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.095999994R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.113531192R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.106666660R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.124510374R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.117333326R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.136223118R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.127999992R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.138666658R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.151209548R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.149333324R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.162577292R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.159999990R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.174093036R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.170666656R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.185328218R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.181333322R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.197321524R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.191999988R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.210021830R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.202666654R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.221326012R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.213333320R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: time 0.374999999R
DSSIPluginInstance::sendEvent at 0.374999999R
seq time is 0.232393194R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.223999986R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.223999986R,
frameOffset 7248, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.243292938R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.234666652R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.234666652R,
frameOffset 6735, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.254317120R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.245333318R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.245333318R,
frameOffset 6223, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.265529302R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.255999984R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.255999984R,
frameOffset 5712, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.266666650R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.266666650R,
frameOffset 5199, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.277690608R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.277333316R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.277333316R,
frameOffset 4687, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.297640848R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.287999982R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.287999982R,
frameOffset 4176, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.309102592R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.298666648R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.298666648R,
frameOffset 3663, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.309333314R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.309333314R,
frameOffset 3151, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.320642336R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.319999980R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.319999980R,
frameOffset 2640, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.333725642R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.330666646R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.330666646R,
frameOffset 2127, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.344299824R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.341333312R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.341333312R,
frameOffset 1615, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.621333332R
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: time 0.500000000R
DSSIPluginInstance::sendEvent at 0.500000000R
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.874999999R
seq time is 0.356253568R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.351999978R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 2 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.351999978R,
frameOffset 1104, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.367556312R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.362666644R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 2 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.362666644R,
frameOffset 591, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.379323056R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.373333310R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 2 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.374999999R, blockTime 0.373333310R,
frameOffset 79, blockSize 512
Type: 7, pitch: 60, velocity: 127
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.373333310R,
frameOffset 6079, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 1 events
seq time is 0.390316238R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.383999976R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.383999976R,
frameOffset 5568, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.403426106R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.394666642R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.394666642R,
frameOffset 5055, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.414295288R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.405333308R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.405333308R,
frameOffset 4543, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.426105032R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.415999974R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.415999974R,
frameOffset 4032, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.426666640R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.426666640R,
frameOffset 3519, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.439008338R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.437333306R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.437333306R,
frameOffset 3007, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.450445082R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.447999972R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.447999972R,
frameOffset 2496, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.463313388R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.458666638R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.458666638R,
frameOffset 1983, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.474297570R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.469333304R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.469333304R,
frameOffset 1471, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.485281752R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.479999970R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.479999970R,
frameOffset 960, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.498070620R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.490666636R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: event buffer has 1 event(s) in it
DSSIPluginInstance::run: evTime 0.500000000R, blockTime 0.490666636R,
frameOffset 447, blockSize 512
Type: 6, pitch: 60, velocity: 100
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 1 events
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.501333302R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.514479612R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
DSSIPluginInstance::run( 0.511999968R)
DSSIPluginInstance::run: running with 0 events
seq time is 0.526663918R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
AlsaDriver - stopPlayback
JackDriver::stopTransport: resetting m_haveAsyncAudioEvent
JackDriver::stop: frames this play: 39094272, elapsed 1139414455.715766000R
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 30, current token 31
JackDriver::stop: internal request, asking JACK transport to stop
DSSIPluginInstance::setIdealChannelCount: channel count 2 (was 2)
DSSIPluginInstance::silence: m_run 1, m_runSinceReset 1
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 1 to 440
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 2 to 0.1189
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 3 to 0.0793
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 4 to 35
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 5 to 0.3292
DSSIPluginInstance::activate: setting port 6 to 0.19
AlsaDriver::stopClocks: ALSA time now is 0.000000000R
AlsaDriver::startClocks: startClocksApproved
AlsaDriver::startClocks: started clocks
RosegardenSequencerApp::incrementTransportToken: incrementing to 32
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - STOP
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - got unhandled MIDI event type from
ALSA sequencer(34)
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - CONTINUE
# end working output
# start failed output (no-sound)
AlsaDriver::setMIDIClockInterval( 0.020833333R)
AlsaDriver::stopClocks: ALSA time now is 0.000000000R
AlsaDriver - initialisePlayback
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.099999999R
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.374999999R
AlsaDriver::startClocks: Need JACK start (m_playing = 1)
AlsaDriver::startClocks: playing, prebuffer audio
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 20, current token 20
JackDriver::startTransport: asking JACK transport to start, setting wait
AlsaDriver::startClocks: Waiting for startClocksApproved
RosegardenSequencerApp::incrementTransportToken: incrementing to 21
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - STOP
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - got unhandled MIDI event type from
ALSA sequencer(34)
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: state 3 [starting], frame 0, waiting 1,
playing 1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: m_waitingState 3, unique_1 96, unique_2 96
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: rate 48000, bar 0, beat 0, tick 134662393,
bpm 1.37604e-269
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 20, current token 21
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: Sync complete
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: state 3 [starting], frame 0, waiting 1,
playing 1
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: m_waitingState 3, unique_1 97, unique_2 97
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: rate 48000, bar 0, beat 0, tick 134662393,
bpm 1.37604e-269
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 20, current token 21
JackDriver::jackSyncCallback: Sync complete
seq time is 0.000000000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
JackDriver::jackProcess: transport rolling, telling ALSA driver to go!
AlsaDriver::startClocks: startClocksApproved
AlsaDriver::startClocks: started clocks
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - CONTINUE
seq time is 0.000226000R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.039325480R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.052404786R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.066573216R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.080642084R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.093585390R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.106012696R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.119615564R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.139419804R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.158640044R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.177669722R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.192489714R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.206581582R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.219373888R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
seq time is 0.243305938R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.256898806R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.269274550R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.285225104R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.299553972R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.313780402R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.329023832R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.341850700R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.599999999R
AlsaDriver::processSoftSynthEventOut: instrument 10000, now 0
Adding NOTE OFF at 0.874999999R
seq time is 0.356041568R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.368840874R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.382692742R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.397487734R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.410835040R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.424666908R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.437555776R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.451884644R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.467914198R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.480876504R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.503458430R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.516676298R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.529573604R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.542605910R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.566951960R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.579670266R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.595584258R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
seq time is 0.611719812R, last MTC receive 0.000000000R, first time -1
AlsaDriver - stopPlayback
JackDriver::stopTransport: resetting m_haveAsyncAudioEvent
JackDriver::stop: frames this play: 36195328, elapsed 1139414395.325778000R
RosegardenSequencerApp::isTransportSyncComplete: token 20, current token 21
JackDriver::stop: internal request, asking JACK transport to stop
AlsaDriver::stopClocks: ALSA time now is 0.000000000R
AlsaDriver::startClocks: startClocksApproved
AlsaDriver::startClocks: started clocks
RosegardenSequencerApp::incrementTransportToken: incrementing to 22
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - STOP
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - got unhandled MIDI event type from
ALSA sequencer(34)
Received non-controller event (dest=129:0, controller is 129:2)
AlsaDriver::getMappedComposition - CONTINUE
# end failed output (no-sound)
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