[linux-audio-dev] regarding the 2nd Book Of Linux Music & Sound
Paul Coccoli
pcoccoli at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 18:08:40 UTC 2006
On 3/29/06, Luis Garrido <luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> > 1. Is there a real need for another book such as the The Book Of Linux
> > Music & Sound ?
> >
> I bought my latest computer book some ten years ago. Things go too
> fast nowadays and from the moment the author ends the writing until it
> reaches my bookshop the information it contains is already dated.
> Furthermore, linux audio is at a fluid point where many things are
> coming together, but are not there just yet for the end user. As far
> as I am concerned, and of course YMMV, key areas where I feel
> commercial software is still years ahead are Virtual Studio and
> WYSIWYG music notation, among others.
> What is the profile of the potential reader? Non-technical people will
> be scared of Linux if their distro doesn't detect their hardware at
> the installation. Developers are used to find the information they
> need on the net, although they can appreciate a good reference book on
> _stable_ technologies. For the technically oriented musician perhaps
> there is not that much readily usable software yet.
> I think I wouldn't take the job if the only reasons were financial.
> Perhaps in a couple of years. Until then, I am looking forward to this
> web that aggregates the scattered resources around that people have
> been talking about.
> My 2 eurocents,
> Luis
I think I have to second this. I own the first edition, but I don't
think a second would be helpful to me or too many others (due to the
current rate of development).
The type of info that would be in a second edition, in addition to the
tutorial-style stuff mentioned in another post, would be a great
reference for everyone if it were on-line and maintained by capable
writers (like Dave). However, the current scattered and incomplete
tutorials, Howtos, manuals, and wikis make me think that such a
resource will never exist. I'm not blaming anyone for that, since I
never contribute to those efforts either.
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