[linux-audio-dev] logomania redux

Stephen Sinclair radarsat1 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 00:28:22 UTC 2006

Is it just me, or is the speaker in this image:


taken from Windows 2000???

Now THAT would be distasteful. ;-)


On 9/3/06, Dave Phillips <dlphillips at woh.rr.com> wrote:
> Greetings:
> I've been adding some logos to the top page at linux-sound.org, and I
> thought it might be time to make some remarks regarding them.
> Some are nice, some are very cool, and some are pretty awful. The logo
> for LilyPond really needs an update, and where is Ardour's bitchin' cool
> logo ? Some need titles (IMO), such as Aeolus, Common Music, LilyPond,
> ChucK, Dino, and Khagan. I'm not a graphic artist, and I'm not going to
> go through the process of overlaying titles. If the devs for those apps
> are happy with the logos, that's perfectly cool by me, but IMO it's
> better to have a title.
> Some other logos are in need of an update, e.g. PlanetCCRMA, LAU, and
> RTcmix. Is Thorsten our only graphic artist, or does anyone else here
> have good graphics skills ?
> I'm sure I'm missing logos for other apps. If you have an application
> listed on linux-sound.org, please contact me if you'd like to add a logo
> to the top page.
> Best,
> dp

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