[LAD] LADSPA plugin invisible

Rémi Thébault rtbo.mailing at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 14:33:52 UTC 2007

Hi All

Thank all of you for your answers.
Now the DSP code seems to be well implemented.
I use a small FFT to estimate the fundamental frequency and then find
the exact pitch around this frequency by AutoCorrelation.
I still have to improve it and to implement some optimisations like
windowing, filtering or downsampling in order to reduce CPUload.

But my plugin is still not visible, neither with listplugins nor with
Ardour. I'm pretty sure that the _init() function is good so I don't
know where it comes from.
Could it come from my compilation options, my linking options, my
installation path (/usr/lib/ladspa) ?
My library is linked to fftw3f, but I can't tell if the link is dynamic
or static.

I join my source code, my Makefile and the compiled library (x86).
If somebody could have a look or just give some piece of advice on how
to make a plugin recognized, this would be a great help for me.

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