[LAD] [PATCH] jack dbus and logs improvement

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Mon Dec 10 19:10:48 UTC 2007

Am Montag, 10. Dezember 2007 schrieb Rui Nuno Capela:
> this d-bus interface seems a good idea nevertheless,

DBUS seems to be very cool, yes.

> and now that kde4 is almost on the brink, it sounds logical to push it as
> duct tape for phonon and jack, eh?

No, never. See the endless discussions on kde-multimedia and lau.
KDE needs a multimedia-server/-framework [*]. jack is _not_ what kde needs 
because jack does neither video nor decoding of compressed formats.

And I really don't understand how you want to duct phonon and jack by dbus: Do 
you want to sent audio data via dbus? Is dbus even capable of these 


[*] And because relying on just one framework/server has proven to be a bad 
thing, phonon is "just" an abstraction-layer between the apps wanting a 
stable api and frontends supporting all the nifty things.
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