[LAD] [PATCH] jack dbus and logs improvement

Nedko Arnaudov nedko at arnaudov.name
Tue Dec 11 10:38:44 UTC 2007

Juuso Alasuutari <juuso.alasuutari at gmail.com> writes:

> On Monday 10 December 2007 21:54:45 Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
>> Arnold Krille <arnold at arnoldarts.de> writes:
>> > And I really don't understand how you want to duct phonon and jack by
>> > dbus: Do you want to sent audio data via dbus? Is dbus even capable of
>> > these data-rates?
>> No! libjack is and what should be used for actual data transfers
>> (audio,midi,video?). With jacdbus, dbus is used for control type of
>> information like configuring jack server, starting stopping it, managing
>> and monitoring connections, etc.
> And perhaps including an interface to tell clients to load presets/patches, 
> like lash does now?

With planned lash reimplementeation over dbus - yes. But this is by no
means a jackdbus task. jackdbus presets (multiconfig object) are just
way to have multiple presets for jack stored transparently. OTOH, lash
could not really treat jack server as regular app, because it knows that
jack server is the thing that makes connections between apps.

Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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