[LAD] 88 or 96?

Andrew Gaydenko a at gaydenko.com
Mon Jun 4 08:08:14 UTC 2007

======= On Monday 04 June 2007, Lars Luthman wrote: =======
> It may be cheaper to downsample from 88.2 kHz - just use a brickwall
> filter and then throw away every odd sample. I don't think that's reason
> enough for using it though, downsampling is presumably a one-time job
> that isn't all that urgent.
> --ll

======= On Monday 04 June 2007, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote: =======
> If you are using the secret rabbit code SINC based (or any other 
> "correct" resampler) to do the resampling, then the only advantage 
> of 88k2 is that it uses slight less disk space.
> When using crappy resamplers (ie linear resamplers, including the 
> one in secret rabbit code), they may be slightly less bad at doing 
> 88k2 -> 44k1 than 96k -> 44k1.
> HTH,
> Erik

Lars, Erik, thanks!

I concluded, I can use 96K, SRC and forget about the issue.


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