[LAD] [ANN] LV2 beta3

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Wed May 9 20:01:53 UTC 2007

Am Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007 schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
> I don't have any problems with the way LV2 provides for future
> extensions - it's well done. But requiring such a mechanism to
> obtain basic low-level information is as silly as offering the
> gas tank on a car as an option (I assume you would include the
> wheels as standard).

Haha, nice analogy! Surely you realize that most cars are sold with only the 
basic standard-wheels? Sad but it seems that this also the case for lv2. If 
you want to have sport-wheels or a bigger gas tank or a speedometer it seems 
you have to rely on extensions to the basic version...

BTW: I wouldn't think bad about the extension-thing. If only it was optional 
and most plugins would run with the basic features and only allow for more 
with extensions available. But if I need to have hosts supporting certain 
features to use the nice plugins this would have me stick with ladspa...

Another thing: I don't think Linux should ever try to get into the field where 
certain interchangeable parts like plugins only work in some rare conditions. 
That is what windows already provides, I wanted to get rid of that and 
switched to linux...

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