[LAD] [LAU] Join the Debian Multimedia Team! (to improve the state of Linux audio)

Grammostola Rosea rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 10:26:07 UTC 2009

Fraser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Grammostola Rosea wrote:
>> I suggest add a 'chapter' in the wiki of linuxaudio.org with information 
>> about maintaining packages. The information about Debian/Ubuntu you can 
>> find in my link. But I can imagine that also other distro's like to 
>> write down some information about maintaining multimedia packages, cause 
>> it would be nice if we could improve GNU/ Linux audio by getting more 
>> packages into the different distro's.
> A thought to consider - when I embarked upon creating debian and ubuntu packages of my own software, I found very little in the way of
> guides to assist a developer, the guides are focused on maintaining someone else's software (often already packaged).
> It can't hurt to educate developers on how to assemble packages for their own software, just making them aware of what's required will lead
> to reduced effort to package and the ones who chose to include the debian build files in the source shift the maintainer effort to quality
> control type role (hopefully fed back to the developer to include).
That's an good point. Did you see this documentation?


Maybe this?

As a package maintainer you can got help from mentors.debian.net and 
that mailinglist. I think people can help you too.

There are a lot developers who makes Ubuntu PPA repo's. IMO it would be 
better if the package hit Debian and so also Ubuntu. It's better then 
having PPA packages all over the place (I know it could be handy to 
offer you last release). Maybe it's a good thing to discuss with the 
Debian Multimedia Team if it is possible to  get your package in 
Debian/Ubuntu and how you can deliver packages which could be 
implemented in Debian without much efforts. You know also the people of 
MOTUMedia in Ubuntu are subscribed to the Debian Multimedia mailinglist 
and they work closely together.

Debian Multimedia Packages Maintainers 
<pkg-multimedia-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>

AFAIK it's an open list, so send an message (and CC it to yourself).



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