[LAD] linux audio standards base?
Ralf Mardorf
ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Tue Aug 11 17:21:44 UTC 2009
*???* Pulseaudio, 64-bit and JACK are a strange issue. I'm using 64-bit,
the proprietary flash for 64-bit and I can run JACK, use audio software,
e.g. Qtractor and at the same time watch YouTube etc.. Pulseaudio is not
installed. Am I missing something, because I don't have Pulseaudio?
Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> On 08/11/2009 08:59 AM, Nick Copeland wrote:
>> The following is all opinion which I think is what was requested:
>> > Here's an updated list of the possible official recommendations for
>> discussion:
>> We should not really be recommending anything and 'official' makes it
>> sound rather orchestrated. We should be selling the benefits of the
>> solution. If any attempt is made to mandate then we are going to run
>> into reasonable resistance from both the apps and platform to any
>> change as what is being proposed here increases compexity and
>> abstraction of the audio interface which in anybodies book is a bad
>> thing.
> Ok, so from what you are saying there is nothing particularly wrong
> that the recommendations below would solve for a large enough number
> of people as to make it worth suggesting any of them at all? I don't
> think that I need to justify why the recommendations are offered but
> if they are really not to be considered necessary then that is a
> different story.
> The list below is simply attempting to solve as elegantly as possible
> the real usability issues that currently crop up for a "normal" user
> experience on 64 bit with the additional suggestion for the kernel
> config as people were wondering how to get extended memory on a 32 bit
> platform. I'm not sure if that last one is relevant myself but it was
> suggested so it's on the list of suggestions to be considered.
> Here's an additional possible recommendation that occurred to me last
> night.
> - If using skype consider purchasing a usb phone and using that as the
> audio interface instead of relying on the onboard sound device as it
> will probably make your life easier.
> Patrick Shirkey
> Boost Hardware Ltd
>> - A distribution should attempt to run jack as the default audio
>> server and should attempt to make the process pf starting jack easy
>> for a non technical user.
>> Why should a distribution do this? There are lots of reasons why they
>> shouldn't.
>> - Pulseaudio should attempt to connect to jack by default and fall
>> back to the alsa layer if jack is not running.
>> Why should pulse audio do this? There are lots of reasons why it
>> shouldn't.
>> - Closed source binaries such as those provided by companies like
>> Adobe, Skype and Real Networks should provide flexibility for
>> changing the audio library path and not be hardcoded to /usr/lib/
>> Why should they do this? Skype has 400M users, Adobe at least double
>> that. Why should they make consideration for perhaps a small number
>> of hundreds of users: those that want Linux, and Audio, and 64bit?
>> You are welcome to change the figure of 'hundreds' into 'thousands'
>> but nowhere on earth does it reach anything like the number of Skype
>> users on 'another' platform. What are we offering Skype by way of a
>> carrot to make them even consider this? You have to put the request
>> into the perspective of it just being yet another request made of
>> them and all of the other requests leading to potential financial
>> benefits to their organisation. All Linux can offer Skype is a number
>> of paying subscribers, and those that fit this specific demand are
>> very small.
>> - For 32 Bit systems with memory of more than 8GB we recommend
>> enabling CONFIG_X86_PAE in the kerneld
>> The limit is theoretically 4G. Its a lot lower on pretty much all
>> motherboards. If we put in any demands like this one it will sound
>> like we have no idea about what we are talking about.
>> - For a 64 bit desktop system please ensure the 32 bit libraries for
>> alsa, jack and pulseaudio are installed by default.
>> Is this relevant? Are you asking for just the 32 bit libraries? Both
>> of them?
>> If somebody put this proposal in front of me, personally, I would not
>> give it the time of day. There is no justification, no benefit being
>> offered, and no real necessity to do it. There is nothing compelling.
>> Nick.
>> Again, this was all opinion. The goal is a good one, the means don't
>> quite seem to rise up to it.
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