[LAD] Autotools and missing headers.

Gabriel M. Beddingfield gabriel at teuton.org
Sat Jun 20 02:41:00 UTC 2009

Hi Uli,

Ulrich Lorenz Schlüter wrote:
> thats not what I wanted but I'll make my mind up.

g++ can't find your headers (e.g. lv2_uri_map.h, lv2_saverestore.h, etc.). 
Where are they installed?  It would help if we could see what the g++ command 
looked like when `make` ran it.  That way we can see which -I and -D flags were set.

These lines are supposed to set up all your flags so that all the headers and 
libraries are found:

     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LV2CORE, lv2core, ,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Can't find liblv2core)])
     PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LV2_PLUGIN, lv2-plugin, ,[AC_MSG_ERROR(Can't find 

It appears that something with the lv2-plugin line is failing.


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