[LAD] Open Keyboard: Request for velocity curve information

Fons Adriaensen fons at kokkinizita.net
Sun Oct 4 17:43:38 UTC 2009

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 06:50:38PM +0200, David Olofson wrote:

> Well, I don't know about linearity, or how linear MIDI velocity is actually 
> supposed to be, but it's common to at least have various ways of scaling 
> velocity. Many (most?) synths will support mapping of velocity per voice to 
> create "analog" layers (crossfade rather than switch at a distinct velocity), 
> and to exaggerate, reduce or disable velocity response and things like that.

The first question to ask is what is acually measured
and how, and with which resolution.

Then a range of these values must be mapped to 0..127,
so the first thing to be decided is the limits of this
range, next what kind of function maps it to the MIDI



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