[LAD] pyqt vs wxpython for audio apps?

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sat Sep 5 22:33:37 UTC 2009

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Iain Duncan<iainduncan at telus.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm wondering what most linux audio developers think about
> pyqt vs wxpy for writing audio app guis now that qt is gpl'd.
> Specifically I'm interested in tightly controlling the timing of event
> loop ( ie making some accurate external clock source like the csound
> engine be the time boss ) and making decent faders widgets.

my recommendation is that you rethink whatever architecture you're
imagining. you will not, and almost certainly should not, drive a GUI
event loop from anything audio related. you should (IMHO) be thinkng
about two different loops: a GUI event loop driven by mouse, keyboard
and system time(r|out) events, and an audio engine loop driven by the
"clock" of the audio API (JACK, ALSA, whatever). the GUI doesn't need
tight timing (remember that your display almost certainly only
refreshes at no more than 100 times per second, and quite possibly
more in the range  of 60-80 times per second.


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