[LAD] Non-daw, non-sequencer

Grammostola Rosea rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 10:28:57 UTC 2009


I'm impressed by my recent discovery: non-daw and especially non-sequencer:


I love the design of the sequencer, it's very intuitive, userfriendly 
and fast!  Respect for that!

But I couldn't contact the author. So I was wondering, maybe he is on 
this (lad) list?
I really like to know what his plans are with the apps and if he needs 
support in some kind of way. Does he continue to work on it? (If not 
that would be a real pity, cause this is not just another sequencer... 
And then we might need some talented devs to fork it...)

Ok, I hope I will get some sign of life from the author soon...

Kind regards,


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