[LAD] General question: Components of Music Software

Louigi Verona louigi.verona at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 13:26:58 UTC 2010

Well, Smasher is easy to use. Its biggest problem is that it is not

I looked at Tranches. It is not really a beat slicer in how people
understand a beat slicer on Windows and Mac OS, it is more a loop trigger.
I played with it, but honestly, I do not understand how to use it or why
would I want to. Maybe I should spend more time working with it to

To me a beat slicer is something into which you load a sound file, it
analyzes it, divides it into portions and then those get mapped on the
keyboard as notes and you can play them as midi. I really miss that kind of
an application on Linux. Smasher seems to be it, at least it looks very
similar, but it is, as stated above, not JACKified.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Renato Budinich <rennabh at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:34 AM, rosea.grammostola <
> rosea.grammostola at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 09:52 +0200, Jeremy wrote:
>> > On 04/26/2010 09:08 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
>> > > Jorn! Thanks, very informative answer.
>> > >
>> > > What can you say about stuff like this:
>> > >
>> > > 1. vocoder
>> > > 2. grnulizer
>> > > 3. slicer (when a file is sliced into pieces)
>> >
>> > Hello Louigi,
>> >
>> > Smasher: http://smasher.sourceforge.net
>> > Or a good ole tracker like MilkyTracker for even more finer grained
>> control.
>> >
>> > > 4. beat matching
>> >
>> > That's still missing, a good FLOSS beat matching app or library. At
>> > least, I haven't come across one yet.
>> Is beat matching different then beat slicing?
>> aubiocut
>> http://tardigrade-inc.com/index.php/En/Software
>> rhythm ferret in Ardour (or what is it's name)?
>> Freecycle
>> SuperCollider?
> any  ideas/suggestions regarding how to use these or something similar for
> real time beat slicing? I.e., I record some loops in say sooperlooper; while
> they're playing, I slice them up and maybe rearrange the slices, add effects
> etc, and then I redirect this "rearranged" loop where I want - for example
> again in sooperlooper, replacing or overdubbing the original loop.
> I know it's definitely possible in supercollider, but as I am still
> beginning to learn it (and it seems it will be quite a long journey), I was
> wondering about a quicker/user-friendlier way of doing it
> cheers
> Renato
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