[LAD] Linux-Audio-Workstation-Security (was: [OT] Richard Stallman warns against ChromeOS)

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Thu Dec 16 07:21:03 UTC 2010

On Thursday 16 December 2010 03:15:16 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> While it isn't easy to hack a good protected
> Linux, it's relative easy to hack an online audio workstation as mine,
> no firewall, no AppAmor etc. ;).

Given how easy it is to protect an ubuntu system with ufw, there shouldn't be 
any machine without a firewall configured. In trusted environments like the own 
studio with a more sophisticated firewall gating the internet-access, the 
firewall settings can be more relaxed. But as more and more people use laptops 
(or pcs in 19" racks) at various locations, everyone should be aware that in 
these cases the "trusted network" ends at the connection from front-side-bus 
to network-device and configure the firewall accordingly.

Have fun,

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