[LAD] announcing envy24control, mudita (*) edition.
fons at kokkinizita.net
fons at kokkinizita.net
Mon Jul 26 08:50:04 UTC 2010
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 04:55:10PM -0700, Niels Mayer wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:23 PM, <fons at kokkinizita.net> wrote:
> > - The meters just indicate level in a linear way. Half scale
> > is -6dB etc.
> I figured there's enough changes in this first round that need
> testing&feedback and decided for "release early and often" rather than
> implementing yet another feature...
> This sounds like an incremental feature for 1.1 once the other changes
> I've made are vetted/tested and working.
Adding a log2() and a multiplication doesn't seem like much of a
pain compared to the rest.
Anyway, the current scale is completely wrong so I wonder why it
was added, and it's not the one you need either - you don't have
enough data to indicate down to -120. The range should be down to
-40 or so. Even that will take steps in the lower range that are
larger than one pixel.
> Note that the original meters essentially used the same value-to-pixel
> mapping for the peak meters -- they just didn't tell you that
> half-scale was -6dB.
Nor do the current ones.
> > - The analog gain sliders behave strangly. They seem to 'detent'
> > on the scale marks, it's quite impossible to set a value *near*
> > a scale mark while at the same time the resulotion halfway
> > between scale marks seems to be OK.
> This is a side effect of routines I added to draw markings in the
> scale widgets. GTK automatically auto-detents at the markings -- it's
> certainly not what I wanted. (See volume.c: e.g.
> draw_24bit_attenuator_scale_markings(), draw_dac_scale_markings() &
> draw_dac_scale_markings() called out of
> envy24control.c:create_analog_volume()).
I just don't believe that GTK can't create a slider without these
detents (which don't work well either). It would be utterly broken.
Try using such a fader for any real audio work.
> > - *Please* make the first analog gain fader size the same as
> > the others. The presence of the 4dBu button should not affect
> > this.
> Hmm... what 4dBu button?? Sounds like you have a delta1010? Could you
> send me a screenshot of what that ends up looking like?
> > - (personal preference) Don't group the faders into stereo
> > pairs.
> Do you mean on the digital mixer inputs in "Monitor PCM Outs" and
> "Monitor Inputs" -- those were already stereo paired to begin with. I
> don't like it that much, but it would have been a big change.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/kenvy24/ uses a "Pan" knob on each
> channel, which makes more sense, and wastes less space. (Alas kenvy24
> doesn't work correctly, and appears long neglected).
I mean the ones in the analog levels. You can't assume what a channel
is used for, just make them all the same.
There are three of them, and Alleline.
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