[LAD] precision resampling to correct clock differences - no luck with libsamplerate and zita-resampler...

fons at kokkinizita.net fons at kokkinizita.net
Sat May 22 15:59:25 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 12:47:10PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:

> i found that. but when i'm trying with sndfile-resample (using the -by
> parameter), i get an integer target sample rate (or at least, that's
> what the output claims), which is what confused me. plus it seems that
> the target sample rate in the SRC structure is an int, not a double, so
> i don't understand how arbitrary ratios could be represented...

If sndfile-resample allows you to specifiy an integer ratio,
try 266037 / 265982.



O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !

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