[LAD] Mouse/knob interaction

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Wed Sep 8 10:05:54 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 08 September 2010 10:35:56 Philipp Überbacher wrote:
> Excerpts from Arnold Krille's message of 2010-09-08 00:01:30 +0200:
> > And if you really need to save space: Use it like a slider, paint it as a
> > color-field with the value as number and color...
> That's actually a neat idea, color for immediate visual feedback. I
> imagine the problem is the colors. What would be sane? I guess three
> basic colors and interpolate between them?
> low = blue
> middle = yellow
> high = top
> It needs to be rather intuitive. I guess the more colors the less
> intuitive it will become. Maybe two are enough.
> I wonder which color would best represent 'low' or 'bottom'.
> Blue, black?

For the matrix-mixer in ffado-mixer (only in some devices present) I used:
high (max) = red
mid (0dB) = yellow
low (lowest above mute) = blue
mute = black

I also thought about making it dependent of the color-scheme. Like background 
for mute and from there on to the highlight-background for max. But there you 
don't get as many colors. Which is nice from a designers pov but to 
distinguish the values better, two or three different colors should be used 

Have fun,

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