[LAD] a case for a knob control standard?

pete shorthose pshorthose at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 20:19:53 UTC 2010

On 28/09/10 21:17, Arnold Krille wrote:
> When such an audio-gui standard and configuration is developed, I would love to
> participate. And use it in my apps. I think its a good idea, especially the
> idea of allowing the user to switch between circular and linear behaviour for
> round controls. And have that changes affect all apps supporting this
> "standard".

i prefer to have both available at once. i think galan does this.
my need for the linear method stems from using the mouse for
recorded modulation, which radial is useless for. (you need to describe
a perfect circle in order to replicate the effects of a linear motion)
some might argue that no one should use a mouse for this stuff,
and they might be right, but i doubt they are offering to buy me
a nice control surface either :)

(even with such an alternative, linear mouse control is still
highly convenient for experimentation and rough sketches.)

> Please go on with this, don't bother with toolkits and how they implement
> graphics, make it a configuration definition, a global / per-user config file and
> think about some simple libs to give easy access to these configs in all major
> languages like C, C++, python and maybe some more. (The less dependencies
> these libs have, the higher the chance of adoption...)

some kind of reference lib could help, preferably a static lib.
i hadn't thought of that. but bear in mind that most applications
make use of a specific configuration back end. i would expect
many developers to be loath to support more than one at once,
splitting configuration options across different systems may be a deal
breaker. but perhaps only so for the reference lib(s), not the underlying
standard so there's no harm in it that i can see.

we need input from the community to make it work though.

would people consider using it?
what control methods do people want/need? (a list of candidates

if people are sufficiently disinterested that they don't even comment
then the opening question of whether it's a viable or not answers itself.


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