[LAD] LV2 standalone / Session support / (Vee One)

rosea.grammostola rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 22:02:33 UTC 2012


Thanks Rui for the 'Vee One prototypes', released as LV2 plugins and 
standalone verions. http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/549

It's nice that the user has the choice of using the sampler/synth as a 
plugin or as standalone application. Another nice thing in this release 
is that you included Session Management support in the standalone 
versions, JackSession in this case.

This makes me wondering:

Why does every developer makes his own little single instance host for 
his standalone version of the LV2 plugins? Why isn't there a standard 
single-instance LV2 host which can be used by all the developers for 
their standalone versions of the LV2 plugins they make? A small host, 
devs can link to and which works like some kind of run-time dependency 
of the standalone version. Didn't have DSSI some kind of system like that?

One of the big advantages of this is that you could eliminate a large 
part of the session problem in the Linuxaudio ecosystem. Every new 
release of a LV2 standalone application is another application which 
needs to be patched for some kind of Session Management. This is 
cumbersome for devs and users.

If that standard single instance LV2 host supports Session Management by 
default (NSM/Ladish/JackSession/whatever), you solve a significant part 
of the problems you encounter when working with standalone Jack apps on 

1) Users have the choice to use the plugin as standalone version, with 
the SM functionality;
2) Developers don't have to patch their standalone version with SM support;
3) Users have more freedom to use the SM they want, because most new LV2 
standalone versions will support the most popular SM systems.

Best regards,

Dirk (alias Rosea Grammostola)

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