[LAD] LV2 Achievement of GMPI Requirement

David Robillard d at drobilla.net
Thu Aug 9 14:39:47 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-08-08 at 05:59 -0400, Jeremy Salwen wrote:
>         The plugin indicating it's bindings is the *only* thing to do
>         here.
>         Otherwise, the host can just bind however it wants.
>         It is a simple idea much older than that thread, just nobody
>         has done it
>         yet.  Doing it statically is trivial: just set properties on
>         ports to
>         indicate their binding.
> Absolutely. This is exactly what I'd like to do.  Is there a reason we
> shouldn't implement this before we figure out the more complicated
> scenarios?

I have added the property midi:binding, i.e.
http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi#binding , to the MIDI extension.  As far
as specs go, this is all that is required.

It is not documented online yet because the docs are not uploaded until
release, but it is in svn and you can build those docs if you want, but
essentially they boil down to the example:

port midi:binding [
    a midi:Controller ;
    midi:controllerNumber 17
] .

Have fun.


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