[LAD] Wavetable synthesis : Creating fat wavetables

Julien Claassen julien at mail.upb.de
Fri Aug 24 19:39:16 UTC 2012

Hello Harry!
   It's an interesting topic, which I had been investigating. I do have a 
wavetable based hardware synth, but I was thinking about emulating it in 
software. Waldorf didn't say a lot about creating one's own wavetables. You 
might just as well try csound - or one of its accompanying programs - to 
create your wavetables. My synth works in such a way, that it has wavetables, 
made up from 128 samples. So you should be able to load such a wavetable into 
a sampler (is Specimin still state of the art?) and then use its envelope 
generators and filters and whatever else. I suppose the modular synthesizers 
like AMS, Om and co. might also do your bidding, if they allow to read samples 
or oscillator shapes. Perhaps even better then a sampler, since they might 
allow for modulating and otherwise mangling your wavetables. The question is, 
how many samples per waveform/wavetable they might expect.
   If you are thinking about wavetables completely the Waldorf way, that would 
include having a number of related waveforms stored in one table, so you can 
morf between them. I don't have the slightest clue, how to be realise that. 
There I would suggest PD or similar. I'm sorry,if that hasn't been much help.
   Warm regards

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