[LAD] CAPS Tonestack tone strange behavior

Tim Goetze tim at quitte.de
Thu Nov 22 09:24:49 UTC 2012

[Lucas Takejame]
>I was using CAPS AmpVTS and notice that some tone knobs didn't work well. I
>end up trying tonestack plugin itself and it seems that the problem (is
>this a bug or its the way it really works?) is there, the Bass filter
>apparently stops working about 0.5 to 1.0 , the Mid filter, on the other
>way, apparently starts working  in this zone, Treble seems to work
>fine. Has anyone noticed something like that or even corrected this problem?

It could be a bug, but it is not unlikely that the weird behaviour you
experience is due to the way the controls are intertwined -- the
original Fender tonestack (and its copies, like Marshall's) is not a
common 3-way equaliser design with independent filters.  

If you haven't done so already, you can read about it here:
https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dtyeh/tonestack/ and if that does not
provide a satisfactory answer you're probably best off directing your
queries at David Yeh himself.

(It is possible I messed up David's code while refactoring, but if I
remember clearly I tested my changes for before-after equivalence of
the output.)

Cheers, Tim

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