[LAD] io GNU/Linux new iso uploaded :)

MK aka El Doctor el.doctor at laposte.net
Sat Feb 8 16:43:50 UTC 2014


Well I've been working hard and new images (32 or 64bit) are ready for testing 

"io GNU/Linux is a Live DVD/USB based on the free Operating System Debian 
(Sid)... and includes a large collection of preinstalled programs for all 
uses, especially multimedia creation"

This new version brings a lot of bug fixes, updated softwares and new 
features: (systemd, rtirq, encrypted persistence, a getting started and  

For screenshots, package lists, infos etc... visit:
-> http://manu.kebab.free.fr/iognulinux.html

A small demo video is available:
-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UCB5je9lJo

Preparing an USB flash drive (with persistence) HowTo:
-> https://sourceforge.net/p/io-gnu-linux/wiki/USB%20install%20howto

Enjoy and happy weekend to all :)

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