[LAD] [LAU] zitaretuner

Jeremy Jongepier jeremy at autostatic.com
Sat Oct 11 18:08:10 UTC 2014

On 10/10/2014 10:14 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Hello all,
> Today I got an email of a user asking me to help him make a plugin
> called 'zitaretuner' work. I never wrote such a plugin, and I didn't
> even know it existed. So I can't help this user.
> Of course this made me curious, and I managed to get a copy of
> the source code of this lv2 plugin. And I wasn't very amused.
> As expected it's based on zita-at1, and again a complete disaster.
> The DSP code of zita-at1 is written as a neat self-contained C++
> class with a very clean interface, and this is done explicitly to
> make it re-usable. 
> But instead of re-using it, the author of the plugin decided to
> rewrite it in C, and combine it in the same source file with parts
> of libzitaresampler (instead of using that as a library as it is
> meant to), and with whatever is required to turn it into an lv2.
> The whole thing is just a single source file. 
> The same author (who is know only as 'jg') didn't bother to add
> a decent GUI, relying on the plugin host to create one. That means
> for example that the note selection buttons (which also double as
> 'current note' indicators in zita-at1), are replaced by faders.
> Only $GOD knows what they are supposed to control.
> And as a final topping on the cake, that whole crappy thing is
> presented as if I were the author of it all. No mention at all
> that things have been modified, and by whom or why. This alone
> is a clear violation of the license under which zita-at1 was
> released. And whoever did it doesn't even have the courage to
> identify him/herself. 
> I've complained about this sort of thing before, and this time
> I'm really pissed. So let one thing be clear: I will never again
> release any code under a license that allows this sort of thing
> to happen. 
> Ciao,

Hello Fons,

You can partly blame me, I initially packaged this plugin for KXStudio
which made it more accessible for users. I should have a) checked the
source better and b) tested the resulting binary better as it doesn't
remotely do the job the way Zita-AT1 does. Partial comfort might be that
others probably recognized the flaws too and the package didn't survive
time. I'll see what I can do to have the remaining packages and source
code removed.
As for the violation of the license, don't give in to the Jeff Glatt's
of this world.


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