[LAD] Jack buffer requirements

Benny Alexandar ben.alex at outlook.com
Thu Sep 14 18:00:02 UTC 2017

I don't have any disk I/O operations, I receive data from a USB dongle at a
constant rate.

If I have 'N' clients running, then the time I can spend on each callback
for processing is
= (audio_buffer_period  -  ( process_time * N ) )

Is that correct ?


From: Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 11:10 PM
To: benravin
Cc: linux-audio-dev at lists.linuxaudio.org
Subject: Re: [LAD] Jack buffer requirements

JACK has no requirements other than that you can run your process() callback without blocking, every time.

How much buffering needs to exist to make sure that can happen depends hugely on what the non-RT part of things is doing. For comparison, when the non-RT part does disk i/o, you need to be ready for potentially several seconds of delay in refilling (or emptying) buffers.  If the disk i/o wasn't there, the buffering requirements would be much smaller.

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 1:10 PM, benravin <ben.alex at outlook.com<mailto:ben.alex at outlook.com>> wrote:

I want to know the optimal buffering which i can use for designing my

My use case is as follows, I receive digital radio signals through a tuner
and does the channel and audio decoding in separate threads.
Finally the audio is send to jack callback  and played out.

How much of buffering is enough for real time streaming between threads.
I want keep the optimal buffering between these threads.

Please suggest guidelines for using with Jack.


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