Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sun Sep 2 13:26:40 CEST 2018

On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 3:02 AM, Will J Godfrey <WillGodfrey at musically.me.uk>

> As a matter or interest, the only time I've had missing noteoffs with
> standard MIDI was when I had only a single MIDI port, and daisy-chained a
> sound
> canvas and two keyboards (both sending active sensing). One for the
> keyboards also had a pedal attached. Having said that I always used good
> quality
> short cables.
a couple of days ago, while working on MIDI Clock support in ardour, i was
trying to figure out the origin of some missing Clock (0xf8) messages. they
would arrive every 830 samples plus or minus about 30 samples,. but every
once in a while, the gap would be twice that.

long story cut short: just changing from using my MOTU Ultralite AVB for
MIDI I/O to a Midisport 2x2 fixed the problem. No more missing Clock

could be relevant to stories like the one above. there's no good reason for
this, but it is how things are.
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