[linux-audio-user] [ANNOUNCE] polarbear-0.5.0

Nathaniel Virgo nathaniel.virgo at ntlworld.com
Wed Feb 26 12:08:00 EST 2003

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 4:15 pm, Maarten de Boer wrote:
> Nathaniel wrote:
> > It's almost as if some macro is causing "Complex" to be evaluated as "0".
> Could you confirm that with g++ -E PoleZeroEditor.cxx ?
> Maarten

Yep - looks like that's the problem.  I've still got no idea where the macro 
is coming from though.

void FindCoefs(ComplexArray& complexCoefs,ComplexArray& roots)

        int i,j,n=roots.size;

        0  one(1,0);

        complexCoefs[n] = -roots[0];
        complexCoefs[n-1] = one;
        complexCoefs.size = n+1;

        for (j=1;j<n;j++)
            complexCoefs[n-j-1] = one;
            for (i=n-j;i<n;i++)
                complexCoefs[i] = complexCoefs[i+1] - 		
            complexCoefs[n] = -(roots[j]*complexCoefs[n]);

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