[linux-audio-user] SoftSynth/Sampler Automation

Mark Knecht markknecht at comcast.net
Sat Sep 18 20:45:40 EDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 13:54, Iván Almada wrote:
> what about soft synthesizer sampler automation? 
> this is a very important point in my opinion, 
> controlling filters via lfo is not the best way to do
> that all the time ... automating knob movements gives
> a hell lot more of control so which are the ways to do
> this ??? 
> midi cc (continous controllers) ???  in that case
> anybody has a map of the controllers for some synths
> (ZynAddSubFX for example ) ...?
> is it possible to draw automation curves directly
> inside sequencers like rosegarden which support any
> kind of softsynth plugins like dssi ??? 

There are people around that know far more than I about Rosegarden but I
do not think it supports any sort of automation, as such, today. I did
do some testing a long time ago with RG where I recorded pitchbend, key
pressure, etc. and made sure that much worked, but I do nto remember
seeing anything in RG that would allow you to draw automation for any

Put in a feature request I guess.

> how do you guys get that automation stuff done?? 

Sadly on a differnt platform today.
> ivan. 

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