[linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!
I. I. Ooisen
ii001001 at yahoo.ca
Wed Dec 21 06:57:01 EST 2005
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 13:08, Rob wrote:
> On Wed December 21 2005 00:15, I. I. Ooisen wrote:
> > > I'm a composer too, but the only time I generate a score is
> > > when someone wants to play my stuff in real life. There's
> > > no need for 18th century notation if you're doing it all
> > > yourself in the digital realm.
> >
> > is there any more modern musical notation system which you
> > think preferable? (i am seriously interested)
> If you mean "notation in which to print out my own music".... I
> don't need to. I can burn a CD.
> If you mean "notation in which to manipulate notes within the
> app".... as I said in another post, I think I'd like a
> high-level, non-LISP-like programming language I could use to
> code my songs. Lacking that, the commonly used piano roll
> notation is certainly the most intuitive. (Yes, I did have
> piano lessons as a kid and yes, I did learn how to read music.
> Piano roll notation still makes more sense to me, especially
> when I start transposing.)
> If I were a band or orchestra leader, it'd be different... but
> I'm not. I'm one guy with a bunch of instruments and a computer
> that will record me playing all of them by ear.
> Rob
you seem to think we don't need the traditional notation system anymore.
you also seem to think it is old and unnecessary in the computer era
(by your repeated reference to it being an eighteen century system).
and i think you feel quite subjective about it ("if i were a band...
leader i'd be different), as though you admit it's just your opinion.
well, i don't think so. i don't *think* you are right. i am absolutely
*sure* you are right. and i don't *feel* "subjective". i *am*
also, it is not a matter of personal opinion (like in "i am hungry,
imho"). it's a *fact*. we actually *have* evolved in the last two
centuries. and this is *obvious*.
so if you are interested in some sort of reformation of the traditional
musical notation system (which is clearly obsolete -- should i add
inhuman? -- and ignores that we live in the twenty-first century), then
you may consider the following link: http://www.mnma.org/
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