[linux-audio-user] What parts of Linux audio simply suck ?

Christoph Eckert mchristoph.eckert at t-online.de
Mon Jun 20 18:43:51 EDT 2005

> What did you have in mind?  I'm pretty handly with shell
> scripts, and never really had much of a problem with
> modules.conf or asound.conf (though I still haven't put
> together the new dmix code which is supposed to clear up a
> few of my annoyances).

a replacement for alsaconf which could also deal with USB (and 
firewire cards as soon as it gets familiar with linux), which 
can not only write a new but only read an existing 
configuration, which allows the user to order the cards as 
desired including the ability to set the default device and 
so on.

Furthermore a subsection which automatically tries to look if 
there are realtime modules and to help the user setting them 
up as well as a small benchmark which creates a default jackd 
config for the user.

Errr, that's it so far, and it's just unrealistic to achieve 
all these goals ;-) .

Where I stuck was autoprobing. I wanted to probe all existing 
modules step by step and then configure the one I was told 
that it did fit a card. UNfortunately, I get no error result 
when I load a module for which there's no actual hardware :
( .

Anyway, meanwhile there's kasound and the author plans to 
include some of the above features, so I'll help with it 
during the autumn and winter months.

Best regards


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