[linux-audio-user] Re: demudi apt sources
Free Ekanayaka
free at miu-ft.org
Thu Jun 23 04:01:35 EDT 2005
|--==> Eric Dantan Rzewnicki writes:
EDR> [after writing this I found
EDR> http://lists.agnula.org/pipermail/users/2005-June/006358.html in the
EDR> agnula-users archive. many of the same points are raised, but it appears
EDR> not yet corrected in the wiki.]
EDR> [and now I've found and have begun reading the more recent thread:
EDR> http://lists.agnula.org/pipermail/users/2005-June/006417.html
EDR> still I'm wondering which of the deb lines below is correct]
EDR> There seems to be some inconsistency on the agnula pages on the correct
EDR> apt sources line. I want to try adding demudi to a fresh debian sarge
EDR> install.
EDR> Here: http://demudi.agnula.org/wiki/InstallApt
EDR> it says use this:
EDR> deb http://demudi.agnula.org/packages/demudi testing main
EDR> and in the FAQ:
EDR> http://demudi.agnula.org/wiki/DocumentsFaq#Upgradingexistinginstallations
EDR> it says use this:
EDR> deb http://apt.agnula.org/demudi testing main local extra
EDR> Are those 2 apt sources the same? if not which is correct?
The first one is correct, the second is wrong. I've updated the FAQ
accordingly, sorry for the confusion.
EDR> These instructions from the FAQ are somewhat confusing:
EDR> "* from the command line issue:
EDR> # apt-get install demudi
EDR> * install the tasks you are interested in. To have a look at them run:
EDR> # apt-cache search demudi
EDR> The task demudi installs them all."
EDR> It should probably tell the user to apt-get update after editing
EDR> sources.list. Also, the two statements above appear to be contradictory,
EDR> or at least out of order.
EDR> Installing package demudi appears to only install some pixmaps and pngs.
EDR> Attempting to install any of the demudi-<foo-task> packages returns
EDR> saying that it's not available and is replaced by demudi. Maybe these
EDR> only work if you use taskselect?
Yes, that information was out of date, reload the page and read again
now. Your guess is correct you have to use tasksel..
EDR> I must be missing something pretty basic here.
No, you were quite on track :) Thanks for your report.
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