[linux-audio-user] Re: LAU FAQ WIKI
Thorsten Wilms
t_w_ at freenet.de
Sat Jul 15 06:18:50 EDT 2006
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 04:36:50PM +0700, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> I haven't bothered with the opaque images for ie nut you can see the
> current version online now...
> http://lau/linuxaudio.org/faq/
> msie looks kindof bad but (linux) firefox looks good to me. Although I'm
> sure there are things I've missed as I whipped it up pretty quick...
Looks like a good start :)
- The head should extend all the way up, no gap. Alternatively, both
the head and navigation boxes should have the same margin top/left.
- The head box has no borders.
- The "Linux Audio User Wiki" (or similar) caption is missing.
- The orange is a bit pale. It's meant to be #ff9900.
- The label "Search:" in front of the entry is missing.
- I dropped the Search button from my mockup, since I didn't see the
difference. If there's one, it should be pointed out on the search
page it leads to.
- The page links (Article ...) should be in one box, no gaps. The
current should have thicker border inwards, not outwards (might
be tricky). Finaly the whole box should be right aligned.
- I wrote Article, Toolbox and so on with capitalisation, which
looks better imho. But no problem to ge with the media-wiki default.
- The nav boxes have single colour frames, not the 3 colours I used
for a subtle 3d effect (ffffff, c3e2e5, a0a0b5, but feel free to
tweak them).
- It should be one nav box, with the captions inside. Alternatively,
3 boxes would be ok, but the captions should still be inside.
- Weird things happen if you lower the width of the browser window
- All the headlines with [edit] should perhaps be underlined. Or
the [edit] should follow right after the text, not right aligned.
- The background should be fixed, not scroll.
Thorsten Wilms
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