[linux-audio-user] Histogram

Dragan Noveski perodog at gmx.net
Fri Jul 28 12:32:09 EDT 2006

how to start sonic with jack?
jacklaunch does not work.


Dave Phillips wrote:
> Dmitry Baikov wrote:
>>> For some research on musical recordings I need a software that is able
>>> to generate a graphical histogram (or a CSV table) out of an audio 
>>> file.
>>> I need the dB on the x-axis and the frequency distribution on the 
>>> y-axis.
> Have you looked at Sonic Visualizer ?
>    http://sv1.sourceforge.net
> Or Baudline ?
>    http://www.baudline.com/
> Snd can probably be coaxed into doing a histogram, but Bill 
> Schottstaedt will have to tell if & how it can be done.
> Best,
> dp

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