[linux-audio-user] Re: Digital mixer suggestions

Ismael Valladolid Torres ivalladolidt at terra.es
Wed Jun 14 05:40:52 EDT 2006

Carlo Capocasa escribe:
> I would go for firewire if anything for latency reasons.
> For example, there is the six channel ESI Quatafire with two Mic 
> preamps. It's tiny.
> Also, the eight channel Roland Edirol 110 firewire, also with two Mic 
> preamps.
> Both around $600.

Both fully supported by ALSA via Freebob?

> I have a hunch that ESI has better converter quality.

I also do.

Cordially, Ismael
 Ismael Valladolid Torres        OpenPGP key ID: 0xDE721AF4
                                      Jabber ID: ivalladt at jabberes.org
  http://lamediahostia.blogspot.com/  ~When I grow up I will go there~

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