[linux-audio-user] Low latency with vanilla

Lee Revell rlrevell at joe-job.com
Tue May 23 20:01:32 EDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 01:55 +0200, Wolfgang Woehl wrote:
> Damn, it doesn't make sense to me. If I can configure the kernel to be
> or not to be preemptible then what is the separation good for? Isn't
> overhead because of preemption the only price tag? 

You are confusing preemption (which improves the performance of realtime
processes) with the permission to run realtime processes at all
(addressed by the realtime LSM, pam, or set_rtlimits).

It is also confusing that if JACK is told to start in realtime mode and
it does not have permission, it falls back to non-realtime rather than
failing to start.  This is fixed in the latest development versions.


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