[linux-audio-user] OT: FUD or not? what is your opinion?
Russell Hanaghan
hanaghan at starband.net
Wed Feb 21 12:08:22 EST 2007
> What dismays me is the lack of any energy from
> *outside* the LA community directed *towards* the community. And
> considering some of the heavy weights connected to Linux today, I really
> have to wonder why this status remains quo. Example: IBM does audio
> hardware, they also do Linux in a big way, and they have real industry
> clout. IBM can offer real material assistance to Linux audio devs, but
> afaik they don't. Why not ? They can deal with SCO's nonsense but can't
> fund a Linux audio project ? While I'm pleased that IBM does support the
> general community, I have to wonder just how aware they are of the LA
> communities.
Someone get our friend Dave a cup off coffee and a paper sack! :) (Only
intended with the utmost of professional affection of course)
Slight tangent but...I'm good like that! :) Please consider the
Musicians in general, be them classically trained from the highest
schools the world has to offer. to the 12 yr old kid that can do Yngwie
Malmsteen in his sleep, are not typically taken seriously from the
"early years" ! Yeah...early years! Linux Audio has been steaming along
for awhile now, we know that. But because it does not leap out and
tussle the corporate profit monster to the ground, it is hardly
considered serious business to the masses that have the moola to push it
to the heights! And some very talented musicians struggled for 15 - 20
yrs before they "made it"?? Point: This is not necessarily about
software, consensus and / or what the collective of LAU loves; Long
before software / computers...blah, bluh, blah.
There have been many scuffles before now with one developer(s) or
organization throwing rocks at another in the Open Source community. The
down side to that...it's hard to get two devs to agree on
something...the upside? It's hard to get 2 devs to agree on
something!!! :) There is freedom! And usually that only exists when
someone DOES NOT own your a$$~
Long after the dust settles on this issue, there will be another, and
another, and another. LAU will grow, shrink, grow, etc. Linux Audio, as
an alternative may *NEVER* take on the Goliath and be considered a
"contender". But it *will* be there I suspect...developing, growing and
being nurtured in a way that simply cant exist in the corporate
environment(for long).
Sorry LJ wont fund your fare Dave-O! You have put a lot of work into
LAU related and written much to enhance the state of Linux Audio in
Now...back to that bloody corporate thing that actually pays my bills!
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