[Consortium] Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD/LAU/LAA/Consortium/...
Mark Knecht
markknecht at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 12:51:17 EST 2007
Please see the quote below. The response has these two addresses:
consortium at lists.linuxaudio.org
linux-audio-dev at music.columbia.edu
I was celarly prohibited form responding to the second. I'm not even
sure what the first one is but I am not a
consortium at lists.linuxaudio.org subscriber so before responding I
would have to assume my response would be trashed.
Anyway, not a big deal. I'm just making the point that often with
email lists people start adding other desitinations that some are not
subscribed to. That doesn't work and isn't an issue with forums.
Again, please don't confuse this point with whether I would user
lists or forums. They are both great if the community participate and
useless if the community does not.
- Mark
On 1/19/07, Marc-Olivier Barre <mobarre at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/19/07, Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > By the way - one negative thing about email lists is that my response
> > will not be seen by everyone who saw what I'm replying to since I'm
> > not subscribed to all the lists on this email.
> >
> Wrong, if a non member posts on the list, it's my job to review the
> message and accept it if it's not spam and for LAA if and only if it's
> an announcement.
> __________________
> Marc-Olivier Barre,
> Markinoko.
"linux-audio-dev-owner at music.columbia.edu"
to me
show details
9:20 am (26 minutes ago)
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