[LAU] Jack command line connect

Dragan Noveski perodog at gmx.net
Sat Oct 13 08:33:57 EDT 2007

Florian Schmidt wrote:
> On Friday 12 October 2007, Simon Williams wrote:
>> In my attempt to stop the flipping xruns I get even from a really simple
>> jack/fluidsynth (with 6.5mb soundfont) setup, I'm going to see if I can
>> get it to run without xruns at all- so I'm going to stop the X server
>> (which takes up quite a lot of cpu and memory).
>> Before I can do this, I need to work out how on earth to connect
>> fluidsynth to alsa_pcm without qjackctl. Why are there no man pages or
>> --help or anything for jack_connect, etc? I've tried the obvious:
>> "jack_connect fluidsynth alsa_pcm", but that doesn't work and without
>> any usage information whatsoever I'm completely stuffed. Also, a command
>> line list of port names that can be connected would be nice.
> Add the stuff below to your bash auto completion setup [in ubuntu 
> it's /etc/bash_completion.d/jackd]. This way you can simply use tab to 
> autocomplete ports, e.g.:
> ~$ jack_connect [hit tab tab]
> ~$ jack_connect alsa_pcm\:capture_
> alsa_pcm:capture_1   alsa_pcm:capture_2   alsa_pcm:capture_6
> alsa_pcm:capture_10  alsa_pcm:capture_3   alsa_pcm:capture_7
> alsa_pcm:capture_11  alsa_pcm:capture_4   alsa_pcm:capture_8
> alsa_pcm:capture_12  alsa_pcm:capture_5   alsa_pcm:capture_9
> #-*- mode: shell-script;-*-
> # Inputs:
> #   $1 -- name of the command whose arguments are being completed
> #   $2 -- word being completed
> #   $3 -- word preceding the word being completed
> #   $COMP_LINE  -- current command line
> #   $COMP_PONT  -- cursor position
> #   $COMP_WORDS -- array containing individual words in the current
> #                  command line
> #   $COMP_CWORD -- index into ${COMP_WORDS} of the word containing the
> #                  current cursor position
> # Output:
> #   COMPREPLY array variable contains possible completions
> # Syntax:
> #   jack_connect <src_port> <dst_port> 
> #   jack_disconnect <src_port> <dst_port> 
> #   jackd [options] -d backend [backend-parameters]
> #   jackstart [options] -d backend [backend-parameters]
> # Bugs/Todo:
> #   jack_{dis,}connect should support for spaces in port names
> #   restrict jack_disconnect completions to existing connections
> # Bugreports: Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>
> have jack_connect &&
> _jack_lsp_type() {
>  jack_lsp -p 2>/dev/null | grep -B1 $1 | \
>         grep -v 'properties.*,$' | grep -v ^-- \
> 		| sed 's/\([\/ :]\)/\\\1/g'
> 		#| sed 's/\([\\: ]\)/\\\1/g'
> 		#| sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1"/g'
> }
> have jackd &&
> _jackd_driver_help() {
>  jackd -d $1 --help 2> /dev/null | grep - | \
>         sed 's/-\(.*\), --\([^\ .]*\) *\(.*\)/-\1 --\2/'
> }
> have jack_connect &&
> _jack_connections() {
>         local cur prev output IFS=$'\n'
>         # check if this is the first argument
> 	if [[ "$1" == "$prev" ]]; then
> 		COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(_jack_lsp_type output)" -- $cur ) )
> 	else
> 		COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(_jack_lsp_type  input)" -- $cur ) )
>         fi
> 	return 0
> }
> have jackd &&
> _jackd()
> {
>         local cur prev special
>         COMPREPLY=()
>         cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
>         prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
>         # check if backend was specified
> 	for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )); do
> 		if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == @(alsa|dummy|oss|coreaudio|portaudio) ]]; then
> 			special=${COMP_WORDS[i]}
> 		fi
> 	done
>         # list backends 
>         if [[ "$prev" == -d || "$prev" == --driver ]]; then
>                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'alsa dummy oss coreaudio 
> portaudio' -- $cur ) )
>         # list backend specific options
>         elif [ -n "$special" ]; then
>                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '`_jackd_driver_help 
> $special` --help' -- $cur ) )
>         # list common options
>         else
>                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--help -h \
> 			--driver -d \
> 			--realtime -R \
> 			--realtime-priority -P \
> 			--name -n \
> 			--no-mlock -m \
> 			--unlock -u \
> 			--timeout -t \
> 			--port-max -p \
> 			--verbose -v \
> 			--silent -s \
> 			--version -V' -- $cur ) ) 
>         fi
>         return 0
> }
> [ "$have" ] && complete -F _jack_connections $filenames jack_connect 
> [ "$have" ] && complete -F _jack_connections $filenames jack_disconnect 
> [ "$have" ] && complete -F _jackd $filenames jackd
> [ "$have" ] && complete -F _jackd $filenames jackstart
thanks florian, this is really a useful script!


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