[LAU] new laptop redux

mik mprims at skynet.be
Thu Nov 20 15:53:17 EST 2008

Dave Phillips schreef:

> I have one more permissions problem to resolve (access to /dev/nvidiactl 
> is forbidden to the normal user) then I believe I'll have my target 
> machine, i.e. a portable box that can run AVSynthesis (OpenGL + Csound). 
> Btw, I've already scrapped the GNOME desktop in favor of fluxbox (of 
> course), but I'd certainly like to hear from other Ubuntu users 
> regarding any other recommended streamlining. For instance, I'd like to 
> junk pulseaudio and compiz completely but I'm not sure how to do it.
> One question: Should I go ahead and install the UbuntuStudio packages ? 
> I have the rt-kernel, it seems I could just go ahead and install the 
> rest. Any reasons not to do so ?

All UbuntuStudio packages are in the regular distribution as well, I 
think. The intrepid rt-kernel does not work on my machine.
Compiz is not used by default, I think, certainly not in fluxbox. You 
can safely remove it. About junking pulseaudio: that's exactly what I 
did, without any harm. On the whole I'm not that satisfied with Intrepid 
and for now I keep Hardy on my laptop.
Keep an eye on http://www.getdeb.net/ for the most up-to-date packages.


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