[LAU] Audio Distribution Proposal...
Patrick Shirkey
pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Thu Jun 4 05:58:11 EDT 2009
On 06/04/2009 04:39 PM, Ray Rashif wrote:
> Anyone is free to create yet another distribution. Nobody should have
> the authority to prevent any such initiative, even if it's an
> inconvenience (adds more to choose from; adds more confusion?). What
> everyone should do, however, is find a balance between convenience and
> accessibility, by which I refer to the current norm of having a
> specialised platform (operating system + packages) in order to make
> Linux audio "accessible".
> The problem with the current approach is that maintaining a
> specialised distribution means basically just that - maintaining a
> distribution. This involves the same manpower required to run a proper
> desktop platform, if your intention is to "reach out to the masses".
> One other problem is that each of these "mainstream" parent
> distributions have a particular release cycle, which the respective
> initiative must follow. Often times, since Linux audio is an effort
> primarily still in development stages, users see the need to get their
> software from upstream project managers. In essence, a Linux audio
> distro initiative is a bleeding-edge initiative. Even a stable
> platform like 64Studio may not be considered functional by the masses.
> The solution to this is to:
> (1) have a rolling-release cycle
> (2) provide only add-on packages; not a distribution
> (3) have a framework to easily build software from upstream and add to
> the package manager
> For the vast majority, from what I have seen and heard (not
> experienced though), Sidux meets these criteria. It is:
> (1) Debian-based; convenient
> (2) Rolling; accessible
> (3) There are tools to create a package from a local build
> For others, and from personal experience, there are Gentoo and Arch.
This is the list of current distros (in no particular order) that I have
picked up in this thread. If I have missed any please let me know. I
will update the lau-guide with this list.
Debian Multimedia Team
Gentoo ProAudio
Planet CCRMA
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
> I can speak for both, because I've spent quite a lot of time on the
> former, and am settled entirely with the latter for over 2 years. The
> main difference between these two is that one is solely a source-based
> platform, which I've come to find is more on the inconvenient side.
> With a bleeding-edge initiative, one may have to compile software, but
> not the entire platform. This is what Arch solves. To both sides of
> the spectrum of Linux users (new and advanced), Arch has its demerits.
> However, for a specialised platform, the merits are overwhelming:
> (1) Rolling.
> (2) No split packages; package foobar means software foobar; you get
> what and how upstream intends you to get.
> (3) Easy and code-simple package management for both binary and
> source, thanks to:
> (a) simple buildscripts; it takes one mere minutes to add a local
> build as a binary to the package database.
> (b) (2) directly means there are no further headaches while
> scripting a new package.
> (4) Due to the meta nature of the distribution, there's absolutely 0
> need for another distribution if the intention is to make it
> accessible for specialised use.
> However, both of these are not for the "masses" or mainstream Linux users.
> Conclusion: See the project highlighted in the previous mail? That's
> the saviour. An agnostic repository (within the parent distribution
> domain) serving a whole load of users - precisely what CCRMA (or the
> other similar initiatives) is. It's really simple - you don't need
> another distribution or installer disc. You just install your desired
> Debian-based distribution and add packages from that repository. Make
> that something like Sidux and you're rockin'.
> So I'd urge anyone thinking of creating an audio distro to put his/her
> efforts into packaging for the Debian Multimedia Team (or help out in
> others like CCRMA, Gentoo ProAudio, ArchAudio etc).
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