[LAU] no midi with 2.6.26 or 2.6.27

Jean-Baptiste Mestelan mestelan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 09:02:09 EST 2009

2009/3/1 Tony Smolar <tsmolars at netscape.net>
> Greetings,
> Ever since I updated my system to Fedora 8,  I haven't been able to use
> my external MIDI keyboard or the wavetable on my sblive card via aplaymidi.
> aplaymidi will usually play the first note of a song, and nothing
> more.   Kmid does exactly the same thing.
> yet the 'aplay' command seems able to read and write to the MIDI port.
> I am running,  and I've also tried both have
> the same issue.    The correct drivers do exist.  I haven't noticed any
> errors in the logs.
> I'm hoping to finally get this resolved, and I can send whatever info is
> needed.

 Hello Tony.
 Not sure if this is the problem you are currently facing, but:
 I experienced MIDI trouble when updating to  MIDI
 messages out of my USB Midisport 2x2 behaved in a completely erratic
 way, as was confirmed by kmidimonitor.

 This was also reported on the LAT list: this message states that this
 particular kernel and USB MIDI do not play well together:

 I do not know if or in which kernel version this was fixed; I have
 since reverted to, which works fine here.

 Kind regards.

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