[LAU] firewire newbie in trouble
Atte André Jensen
atte.jensen at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 05:43:34 EDT 2009
sonofzev at iinet.net.au wrote:
> I'm also a newbie with firewire, but had more success with FFADO, (it is more
> current anyway).. I don't have an edirol, but a focusrite saffire pro 10.
> Simply install it, fire up ffado-dbus-server run qjackctl and select firewire as
> the driver. I am able to get better latency performance with ffado, way better
> than freebob but even better than ALSA (under 3ms with 44100 and 48000 khz)...
Ok, sounds like a plan.
The problem is that I get "jackd: unknown driver 'firewire'" when
starting jack, (much) more info follows:
I added the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://www.ffado.org/apt gutsy contrib
and installed:
apt-get install libffado2 ffado-tools ffado-dbus-server ffado-mixer-qt4
running the ffado-dbus-server seems to work just fine (it should be run
as regular user and left running, right?):
atte at vestbjerg:~$ ffado-dbus-server
FFADO Control DBUS service
Part of the FFADO project -- www.ffado.org
Version: 1.999.40-
(C) 2008, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
00230394308: (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 269] main: Discovering devices...
00230430676: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 332] discover: Starting discovery...
00230517933: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 162] showSetting: Group: (null)
00230517986: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 184] showSetting: vendorid =
16555 (0x000040AB)
00230518074: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 184] showSetting: modelid =
65609 (0x00010049)
00230518088: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 208] showSetting: vendorname
00230518108: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 208] showSetting: modelname
= FA-66
00230518125: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 184] showSetting: driver = 1
00230518149: Debug (Configuration.cpp)[ 208] showSetting: mixer =
00230518413: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 594] discover: driver found for
device 1
00230542353: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 734] loadFromCache: filename
00230560983: Debug (serialize_libxml.cpp)[ 229] checkVersion: Cache
version: 1.999.40-, expected: 1.999.40-.
00230718461: Debug (avc_unit.cpp)[ 489] discoverPlugConnections:
Discovering PCR plug connections...
00230756492: Debug (avc_unit.cpp)[ 500] discoverPlugConnections:
Discovering External plug connections...
00230832189: Debug (bebob_avdevice_subunit.cpp)[ 102]
discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00230832211: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections:
Discovering connections...
00230832249: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections:
Discovering connections...
00230832284: Debug (bebob_avdevice_subunit.cpp)[ 102]
discoverConnections: Discovering connections...
00230832300: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections:
Discovering connections...
00230832316: Debug (avc_subunit.cpp)[ 148] discoverConnections:
Discovering connections...
00230832389: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 758] loadFromCache: could
create valid bebob driver from
00230832416: Debug (bebob_mixer.cpp)[ 126]
addElementForAllFunctionBlocks: Adding elements for functionblocks...
00230834213: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 631] discover: discovery of node
1 on port 0 done...
00230834234: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[ 639] discover: Discovery finished...
00230834651: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1087] showDeviceInfo: =====
Device Manager =====
00230834665: Debug (Element.cpp)[ 121] show: Element DeviceManager
00230834670: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1095] showDeviceInfo: ---
IEEE1394 Service 0 ---
Iso handler info:
Dumping IsoHandlerManager Stream handler information...
State: 2
00230834695: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1105] showDeviceInfo: --- Device
0 ---
00230834702: Debug (bebob_avdevice.cpp)[ 480] showDevice: Device is a
BeBoB device
00230834732: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 224] showDevice: Attached to
port.......: 0 (ohci1394)
00230834752: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 225] showDevice:
Node...................: 1
00230834771: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 227] showDevice: Vendor
name............: EDIROL
00230834788: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 229] showDevice: Model
name.............: EDIROL FA-66
00230834800: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 231] showDevice:
GUID...................: 0040ab0000c37a87
00230834810: Debug (ffadodevice.cpp)[ 236] showDevice: Assigned ID....: dev0
00230834828: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1108] showDeviceInfo: Clock sync
00230834886: Debug (devicemanager.cpp)[1117] showDeviceInfo: Type:
Erratic type , Id: 0, Valid: 1, Active: 0, Locked 1, Slipping: 0,
Description: Device Controlled
00230834937: (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 312] main: Starting DBUS service...
00230847688: (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 328] main: Running... (press
ctrl-c to stop & exit)
00230847752: Debug (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 331] main: dispatching...
However when selecting "firewire" in qjackctl, I get this in qjackctls
10:34:55.956 JACK is starting...
10:34:55.957 /usr/bin/jackd -R -P80 -m -dfirewire -dplughw:0 -r48000
-p256 -n3
10:34:55.960 JACK was started with PID=7798.
jackd: unknown driver 'firewire'
10:34:55.966 JACK was stopped with exit status=1.
http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk
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