[LAU] Le Puzzle du Batteur - The Drummer's 'G'igsaw: GNU Bash + GNU sed replace gvim
Phil Hézaine
philippe.hezaine at free.fr
Tue Aug 17 19:14:18 UTC 2010
Le 17/08/2010 09:58, Dieter Plaetinck a écrit :
> Hmm that's interesting.
> I have a bunch of midi files, which I guess I should be able to convert
> with mid2ly, then do the gigsaw thing, and get midi back out of it.
> I'll try it.
> Dieter
IMHO you can't, at least in a straightforward way.
Assuming you get a correct output from mid2ly (not sure at all, rather
buggy or incomplete I think) you'll have to write a script which convert
the corresponding note into its symbol.
Ex: c => tommh (Hi Mid Tom)
By the way you can also try Rosegarden which has lilypond output but the
issue is the same.
IMHO you'll go faster in learning the 'G'igsaw. If I'm right you're
interested in odd measures. Take a look at the VIRTUAL-BOOKS in the
Bibliotheque. There is a "5/4-VIRTUAL-ROCK-BASE - Exemples" file.
Start by pasting one or two measures and transform it by moving the
rests as you wish. You can go a long way away with this.
Unfortunately if you only want to randomize your midi files you must
have a lilypond midi file. The interface and its use of midicomp is
formatted in this manner unless you write a more generic interface. :)
Let me know your results. If I can help you I'll do.
Good luck.
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