[LAU] aconnect: Connection failed (Operation not permitted)

David Adler david.jo.adler at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 19:46:16 EST 2010

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Renato wrote:
> Hello, whenever I try to run aconnect to connect some alsa-midi ports, I
> get
> Connection failed (Operation not permitted)
> even as root. I can smoothly make alsa-midi connections from patchage
> or qjackctl. What should I check?
> Renato

I get this message when the port names given on
the command line are in the wrong order.
Could this be the reason?

To me, the naming of the options  '-i, --input' and
'-o, --output' was misleading.
The output of 'man aconnect' clarifies a little:
input (readable),  output (writable).

aconnect <readable_port> <writable_port>
which corresponds to the (misleading)
aconnect <input_port> <output_port>


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