[LAU] Open Sound Interface project beginnings

Emanuel Rumpf xbran at web.de
Fri Nov 4 21:32:00 UTC 2011

2011/11/2 Charles Henry <czhenry at gmail.com>:
> That's clearly just for the development board--I think their
> processors can handle more channels,
But a single USB 2.0 Port won't handle much more in duplex mode, IIRC

> but the $350 development board
> will support up to 6 channels.  It would be better to develop some
> board designs around the chips, and see how the cost comes out.
Depending on what the base-module would require,
unit price could drop or increase.

>> - Make most of it optional and modular.
>> - Make 1 (extensible) low-cost  + 1 (all-incl.) high-end design
> Yes, I tend to agree.  There's several different processors in their
> product line, and it's a good development platform to look at tiered
> approaches with different goals.
> Thanks for your feedback, Emanuel.  It's sort of a game-changer to me.
>  Clearly, there's no point in starting a project that would duplicate
> an existing solution.
I see.

> I appreciate new information like this.
> I'll have to think this over for quite a while to see which way I'd
> want to go--whether there's a worthy project goal in an FPGA based
> design that cannot be more easily (or more cheaply) accomplished.

FPGAs can process much data in little time concurrently,
but as we see, alternatives open up.
Anyway, if you came up with anything new, let us know.

Kind regards,


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