[LAU] Decoding/ripping dolby surround CDs

Al Thompson althompson58 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 16:12:20 UTC 2011

On 11/19/2011 08:54 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Phases are the ABC of audio engineering, everything that has to do with
> music, has to do with time. Everything is time related, every EQ, just
> everything. There's no math that is able to separate channels by phases,
> assumed the frequencies are all recorded just by audible frequencies and
> not transformed to higher frequencies, by theory transposing to
> inaudible and back to audible frequencies could work. Practical, hm?!
> There already is no perfect backwards compatibility from 2 channels to
> one channel regarding to timing issues, e.g. the +/- 180° thingy. It's
> completely idiotic to add a third channel by what ever time shift to 2
> channels and then to decode this nonsense.
> Unbelievable that this is a serious discussion :(. During the decoding
> there will be overlapping between the clean stereo signal and the third
> channel. Take a pencil and draw 3 sinuses to a paper by your imagination
> and than think about adding the third sinus to the two other sinus. Some
> kind of encoding and decoding, just by an imaginary picture in your
> mind.

I've got to agree with this.  Anyone who has listened to something that
also included signal that was 90 degrees out of phase knows that the
result if anything but inaudible.

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und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
                                                - [Friedrich Nietzsche]

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